PARAPAR@` TEXT` Martin, Lillien Jane 18511943 psychologist Born on July 7, 1851, in Olean, New York, Lillie (she later changed the name to Lillien) Jane Martin was a precocious child and entered Olean Academy at the age of four. At sixteen she began teaching in a girls school in Wisconsin, and she later taught in a school in Omaha, Nebraska. By 1876 she had saved enough money to enter Vassar College, from which she graduated in 1880. From that year to 1889 she taught high school physics and chemistry in Indianapolis, and from 1889 to 1894 she was vice-principal and head of the science department of the Girls High School in San Francisco. In 1894 Martin traveled to Germany to enter the University of Gttingen, where she studied psychology under G. E. Mller and was awarded a Ph.D. in 1898. In 1899 she was named assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University. She continued her studies in Germany in summers, working in the universities of Wrzburg in 1907, Bonn in 1908 and 1912, and Munich in 1914. Her scholarly publications of that period, nearly all in German, dealt with problems in hypnotism, aesthetics, personality, abnormal psychology, and the nature of thought and included Zur Analyse der Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit, 1899, ber Asthetische Synsthesie, 1909, Zur Lehre von der Bewegungsvorstellungen, 1910, Die Projections Methode, 1912, and Ein Experimenteller Beitrag zur Erforschung des Unterbewussten, 1915. At Stanford she advanced to associate professor in 1909 and to full professor in 1911, and in 1915 she became the first woman to head a department there. She retired at the mandatory age of sixty-five in 1916. She then moved to San Francisco and established herself as a consulting psychologist. She established mental hygiene clinics in the Polyclinic and Mount Zion hospitals and carried on private practice as well. In 1920 she opened at Mount Zion the first clinic for normal preschool children. In 1929, as a result of having to deal with a problem child whose problem was actually an overbearing grandmother, Martin established the Old Age Counseling Center, the first such clinic in the world. The rest of her career was devoted to gerontological research and clinical counseling and rehabilitation. Her success in that field derived in large part from the example she herself set: an indefatigable traveler, she journeyed alone to Russia at seventy-eight, made a coast-to-coast automobile tour at eighty-one (just three years after she had learned to drive), and traveled through the jungles and mountains of South America for six months at eighty-seven. Martins later publications included Personality as Revealed by the Content of Images, 1917, Mental Hygiene; Two Years Experience of a Clinical Psychologist, 1920, Mental Training for the Pre-School Age Child, with Clare De Gruchy, 1923, Round the World with a Psychologist, 1927, Salvaging Old Age, with De Gruchy, 1930, Sweeping the Cobwebs, with De Gruchy, 1933, The Home in a Democracy, with De Gruchy, 1938, and Handbook for Old Age Counsellors, 1944. In 19171920 she was president of the California Society for Mental Hygiene. She died in San Francisco on March 26, 1943. styl`$!555-!I 5!I!I!I!I!I !I1!I9!IP!I\!I!I 5!I : 5 ;!I `!I !I !I !I !I !I *!I M!I U!I g!I ~!I !I !I !I !I !Ilink`